Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2024
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Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2024

Rising prescription drug costs are hitting many people hard this year, and you may be wondering where to find relief. We've updated our blog post on the best tips for lowering your prescription drug costs for 2024.

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Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2023
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Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2023

Rising drug costs and high inflation are hitting many people hard this year, leaving folks wondering where to find relief. If you or someone you’re caring for is looking for ways to lower prescription costs, this article is for you.

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Giving Care Is Challenging - But What About Receiving Care?
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Giving Care Is Challenging - But What About Receiving Care?

Generally, the conversation about needing long term care to get through the day revolves around cost, availability, insurance and demands on care givers and family. Outside of professional caregiver forums, it’s rare to find a discussion of the emotional and physical distress of the person who receives care.

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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough
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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough

Are you one of the millions of adults who have let estate planning fall to the bottom your to do list for years? Does wondering about how you’ll pay for long term care nag at the back of your mind? Has life thrown some curve balls that smacked the life out of your retirement savings?

Sometimes it feels like it’s just too late or too hard to rescue your retirement dreams, but take a minute to remember all the times you’ve been knocked down yet found a way to get back on your feet.

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9 Tips for Giving Care From Far Away
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9 Tips for Giving Care From Far Away

Chances are you or someone you know has opened their heart and dedicated their time as an unpaid caregiver. But what happens when a loved one that needs care is too far away to help day to day? The good news is that there are ways to lend support from a distance.

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Love and Challenges - Caring for Loved Ones
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Love and Challenges - Caring for Loved Ones

According to the latest statistics from the Alzheimer’s Association, over 11 million Americans provide unpaid care (totaling more than 16 billion hours) for people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias. 1 in 3 seniors die with dementia. Like many of you, I am one of those eleven million Americans who has cared for a family member – my mother.

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What is a Daily Money Manager?
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What is a Daily Money Manager?

Want to learn more about how a Daily Money Manager could help you or a loved one? Reach out to Noreen Flood. Have other questions about managing income in retirement? We'd love to talk to you about your unique circumstances.

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What Do Care Teams Need From You?
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What Do Care Teams Need From You?

No matter where your loved one is receiving care, staying in touch with care providers focuses provider attention and keeps you informed. Be positive - you’re all on the same team. When your loved one lives too far away for frequent trips to their residence, watching out for their well being can be challenging. Getting to know their caregivers can make all the difference.

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