What is Probate? How Does Probate Affect My Heirs?
Video Sivea Key Video Sivea Key

What is Probate? How Does Probate Affect My Heirs?

Most of us have either experienced or heard about long, expensive, painful Probate proceedings. Many of us wonder if avoiding Probate will protect our legacy and ease the burden on our beneficiaries when we pass. As with most things involving the law, there’s no one answer.

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Is the LegacyLock Estate Planning Package Worth It?
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Is the LegacyLock Estate Planning Package Worth It?

The folks at LegacyLock believe helping people is good business and they feel their success speaks for itself. They’ve worked hard to build an estate process that includes all the documents for your estate plan, a living trust, healthcare and financial power of attorneys, living will and advanced directives with simple, clear instructions.

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How to Pick a Medicare Plan in 2022 - [Video]
Video Sivea Key Video Sivea Key

How to Pick a Medicare Plan in 2022 - [Video]

Medicare may be confusing, but the good news is that the complexity means you have a lot of choices. The key to choosing a plan is to narrow down the options by focusing on your unique situation. Start your list of priorities by considering your current health plan.

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Medicare Parts Explained 2022 - [Video]
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Medicare Parts Explained 2022 - [Video]

Medicare In Depth: 2022

There are essentially three different Medicare “parts,” each offering a different aspect of coverage. Additionally, there are Medicare Advantaged plans, which take a more all-in-one approach. Let’s take a look at each of the types of plans.

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Medicare Basics - [Video]
Video Sivea Key Video Sivea Key

Medicare Basics - [Video]

Medicare is fairly complex. There are a wide variety of options and plans, and choosing the right plan can have an important impact on both your physical and financial health.

It’s important to choose the plan that works best for you, so that you can live comfortably as you age.

Helping you make the right choice is what Retirement Safety Zone is all about.

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What is a Daily Money Manager?
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What is a Daily Money Manager?

Want to learn more about how a Daily Money Manager could help you or a loved one? Reach out to Noreen Flood. Have other questions about managing income in retirement? We'd love to talk to you about your unique circumstances.

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Demystifying Long Term Care - When It’s Time to Make a Claim
Video Sivea Key Video Sivea Key

Demystifying Long Term Care - When It’s Time to Make a Claim

Today we're talking about the other end of the long-term care insurance process. We're talking about what happens when you need that insurance money, because there's long-term care in your future. I have with me today, Josh Zuieback, he's with Amada Senior Care, and he's going to help us understand what that process looks like…

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The 3 Biggest Myths About Long Term Care Insurance
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The 3 Biggest Myths About Long Term Care Insurance

Hi, I'm Sivea Key, the long-term care lady. And today I'm going to set the record straight on the top three myths about long-term care. For many people, believing these myths has stopped them from making a plan to deal with the high costs of long-term care services. It can cost as much as a house. Learn the truth behind these myths, and don't make these common mistakes.

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