Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2024
article Sivea Key article Sivea Key

Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2024

Rising prescription drug costs are hitting many people hard this year, and you may be wondering where to find relief. We've updated our blog post on the best tips for lowering your prescription drug costs for 2024.

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Long Term Care Insurance and Income Taxes - 2024
article Sivea Key article Sivea Key

Long Term Care Insurance and Income Taxes - 2024

The new year is bringing little change to long term care insurance deduction limits but may mean brand new payroll taxes for long term care being introduced in some states. Below, you’ll find the current deduction limits for individual plans and guidance on factors that affect deductibility of premiums. Check with your CPA to make sure you are getting the deductions you deserve.

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How To Pick A Medicare Plan
article Sivea Key article Sivea Key

How To Pick A Medicare Plan

Medicare may be confusing but the good news is that the complexity means you have a lot of choices. The key to choosing a plan is to narrow down the options by focusing on your unique situation.

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Long Term Care Insurance and Income Taxes - 2022
article Sivea Key article Sivea Key

Long Term Care Insurance and Income Taxes - 2022

The new year is bringing little change to long term care insurance deduction limits but may mean brand new payroll taxes for long term care being introduced in some states. Below, you’ll find the current deduction limits for individual plans and guidance on factors that affect deductibility of premiums. Check with your CPA to make sure you are getting the deductions you deserve.

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When to Buy Long Term Care Insurance
article Sy article Sy

When to Buy Long Term Care Insurance

Start early for better, more affordable protection.

Long term care is expensive - even when it’s free. It can cost in dollars or in the wellbeing of the caregiver. Long term care insurance can help protect your savings and the loved ones that care for you. So how do you decide when to buy it?

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Long Term Care Costs
article Sivea Key article Sivea Key

Long Term Care Costs

Receiving long term care can mean more than paying hefty bills. Learn the average cost of professional care and the personal costs to family members providing care.

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