9 Tips for Giving Care From Far Away

According to 2020 statistics, 41.8 million Americans provided unpaid care to an adult over age 50. That’s about 17% of the U.S. adult population. Chances are you or someone you know has opened their heart and dedicated their time as an unpaid caregiver. But what happens when a loved one that needs care is too far away to help day to day? The good news is that there are ways to lend support from a distance. Below we’ve listed a summary of 9 tips to provide strategies for remote care giving. Each tip is linked to a blog post with detailed information on that tip. Hopefully you’ll find a tip that fits.

1st Tip: Stay Connected – Virtually!

Find time weekly or monthly to chat via telephone or try a video service like FaceTime, Zoom, Google, WhatsApp. NEWS: If your loved one is in a retirement facility, consider suggesting the facility implement CircleTalk, a proven program that helps build friendships and homey comfort for residents.

2nd Tip: Inspire positive thinking.

Invite children, siblings and friends to send cheerful letters, pictures and cards. Spread out the timing of the mail to support a happier mood every day.

3rd Tip: Find Neighbors To Do Wellness Checks.

Talk to friends and neighbors living locally who might be able to do wellness checks from time to time. Exchange contact information with two or three who are reliable and willing.

4th Tip: Help With Online Shopping.

Shopping can become challenging due to disabilities caused by illness or aging. Helping with online shopping can make life a little easier. It can even be FUN!

5th Tip: Arrange Affordable Prescription Delivery.

Help your loved one get or stay well by ensuring medicine is easily available. Don’t forget over-the-counter medicine, vitamins and supplements. NEWS: If you are concerned that someone on Medicare could be getting more effective prescription insurance, call 970-294-1397 or make an appointment with an agent for a comparison

6th Tip: Learn How To Talk About Hiring Helpers.

Asking for help or admitting you need help can be hard. Start the discussion with simple chores like getting the lawn mowed and ease into sensitive topics like showering. NEWS: If you’re dealing with someone with dementia you can consult with the Alzheimer’s Association, a nonprofit organization that offers a hotline as well as online guidance for suffers and their caregivers.

7th Tip: Stay In Touch With Caregivers.

No matter where your loved one is receiving care, staying in touch with care providers focuses provider attention and keeps you informed. Be positive - you’re all on the same team. NEWS: Wondering what making a care claim from an insurance policy is like? Check out our video conversation with Josh from Amada, a national home care company, for a walkthrough.

8th Tip: Know Their Medical Care Providers.

Getting to know your loved one’s medical care providers may lead to more focused medical care and improved health for them and some peace of mind for you.

9th Tip: Locate Important Documents.

Find the documents that will help caregivers respect patient wishes, authorize a decision-maker, and help pay the bills. NEWS: If your loved one hasn’t prepared a Durable Power of Attorney, Medical Living Will, or completed an Estate Plan, consider helping them set up an estate preparation account with LegacyLock. Important documents can be uploaded for easy reference and updated as needed.

Next Steps:

Watch the 9 Tips in 9 Weeks: How To Give Care When You Can't Be There Video Summary.

Have a question about Medicare, estate planning, long term care insurance or claims, or how building a Retirement Game Plan can help? Click below to schedule a no-cost, no-commitment consultation to discuss your situation and find answers.

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I hope you’ve found some useful ways to help your loved one from wherever you may be. Please do contact us with your questions, we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.


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Love and Challenges - Caring for Loved Ones