Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2024
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Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2024

Rising prescription drug costs are hitting many people hard this year, and you may be wondering where to find relief. We've updated our blog post on the best tips for lowering your prescription drug costs for 2024.

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Getting Started With Medicare: 2024
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Getting Started With Medicare: 2024

Are you or is someone you love retiring or turning 65 in 2024? We’ve updated our Getting Started with Medicare booklet with information for 2024 on Parts A and B, Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C), Part D Prescription Drug Plans, Medigap Supplemental Plans, and more.

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How To Pick A Medicare Plan: 2024
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How To Pick A Medicare Plan: 2024

Medicare may be confusing, but the good news is that the complexity means you have a lot of choices. The key to choosing a plan is to narrow down the options by focusing on your unique situation. We've updated our post on how to pick a Medicare plan for 2024, to help make sense of the options.

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How Does Medicare Work: 2024
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How Does Medicare Work: 2024

For most people turning 65 means becoming eligible for Medicare for the first time. With all the “Parts” and “Supplemental Plans”, options, regulations and other details it’s not surprising that many are left feeling overwhelmed and confused.

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Thinking About Retirement?
Megan Archer Megan Archer

Thinking About Retirement?

Being prepared for retirement, emotionally and financially, provides a solid foundation for whatever your dreams entail. We’re here to provide the resources and experience to guide you to a safer retirement. Download our retirement preparation booklet to learn more.

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How To Pick A Medicare Plan: 2023
Sivea Key Sivea Key

How To Pick A Medicare Plan: 2023

We've updated our post on how to pick a Medicare plan for 2023!

Download our informative booklet “Getting Started with Medicare 2023” for a more detailed walk-through on how it all works.

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How Does Medicare Work: 2023
Sivea Key Sivea Key

How Does Medicare Work: 2023

For most people turning 65 means becoming eligible for Medicare for the first time. With all the “Parts” and “Supplemental Plans”, options, regulations and other details it’s not surprising that many are left feeling overwhelmed and confused.

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Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2023
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Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2023

Rising drug costs and high inflation are hitting many people hard this year, leaving folks wondering where to find relief. If you or someone you’re caring for is looking for ways to lower prescription costs, this article is for you.

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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough
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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough

Are you one of the millions of adults who have let estate planning fall to the bottom your to do list for years? Does wondering about how you’ll pay for long term care nag at the back of your mind? Has life thrown some curve balls that smacked the life out of your retirement savings?

Sometimes it feels like it’s just too late or too hard to rescue your retirement dreams, but take a minute to remember all the times you’ve been knocked down yet found a way to get back on your feet.

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9 Tips for Giving Care From Far Away
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9 Tips for Giving Care From Far Away

Chances are you or someone you know has opened their heart and dedicated their time as an unpaid caregiver. But what happens when a loved one that needs care is too far away to help day to day? The good news is that there are ways to lend support from a distance.

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How to Pick a Medicare Plan in 2022 - [Video]
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How to Pick a Medicare Plan in 2022 - [Video]

Medicare may be confusing, but the good news is that the complexity means you have a lot of choices. The key to choosing a plan is to narrow down the options by focusing on your unique situation. Start your list of priorities by considering your current health plan.

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Medicare Parts Explained 2022 - [Video]
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Medicare Parts Explained 2022 - [Video]

Medicare In Depth: 2022

There are essentially three different Medicare “parts,” each offering a different aspect of coverage. Additionally, there are Medicare Advantaged plans, which take a more all-in-one approach. Let’s take a look at each of the types of plans.

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What Does the Inflation Reduction Act Do for Medicare Rx?
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What Does the Inflation Reduction Act Do for Medicare Rx?

In August of 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law. More than 80% of both political parties support this bill. Unusual in itself. Among the many, many provisions in the IRA, there are history making changes to Medicare Prescription Drug Plans. Medicare experts and attorneys are still analyzing the bill to tease out the changes that affect Medicare members. Here’s a summary of what’s been reported so far.

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Medicare Basics - [Video]
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Medicare Basics - [Video]

Medicare is fairly complex. There are a wide variety of options and plans, and choosing the right plan can have an important impact on both your physical and financial health.

It’s important to choose the plan that works best for you, so that you can live comfortably as you age.

Helping you make the right choice is what Retirement Safety Zone is all about.

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Choosing Between an Employer Health Plan or Medicare at Age 65
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Choosing Between an Employer Health Plan or Medicare at Age 65

Longer lives, career satisfaction, financial security – all of these are reasons why people choose to stay in the workforce long past 65 years old. Turning 65 may not mean retirement for you, but it still marks the age to turn your attention to Medicare to learn whether it’s the right time for you to enroll.

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Keep Track of These Documents In Case of Emergency
Blog Sivea Key Blog Sivea Key

Keep Track of These Documents In Case of Emergency

When an accident or illness turns your life upside down, knowing where to find critical documents can help ease the stress. The key is to locate and organize these documents ahead of time so you or your loved ones can easily find them.

While there are a number of documents important to have on hand in an emergency, in this case we are focusing on documents that will help pay for care, grant access to medical or financial information, help your loved ones understand your wishes or appoint someone to make medical or financial decisions.

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18% of Claim Payment Denials by Medicare Advantage Plans Met Medicare Coverage Rules
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18% of Claim Payment Denials by Medicare Advantage Plans Met Medicare Coverage Rules

A recent report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General determined that a significant number of denials actually met Medicare coverage rules. Most of the major news outlets carried headlines about this report designed to catch your attention. To help sort out useful from unhelpful facts, let’s start by putting the results into perspective.

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