How To Have Difficult Conversations About Money, Long Term Care Planning, and More
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How To Have Difficult Conversations About Money, Long Term Care Planning, and More

The holiday season is stressful enough on its own. When getting together for the holidays means having hard conversations, that stress multiplies. We’ve learned a lot from Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen about how to have those stressful conversations, and we’re excited to share our favorite tips.

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Long Term Care Insurance and Income Taxes - 2022
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Long Term Care Insurance and Income Taxes - 2022

The new year is bringing little change to long term care insurance deduction limits but may mean brand new payroll taxes for long term care being introduced in some states. Below, you’ll find the current deduction limits for individual plans and guidance on factors that affect deductibility of premiums. Check with your CPA to make sure you are getting the deductions you deserve.

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What To Do If You Don’t Qualify For Long Term Care Insurance
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What To Do If You Don’t Qualify For Long Term Care Insurance

In the first 3 installments of this series on the cost of long term care insurance we looked at folks who were able to qualify for a policy. However, long term care insurance can be difficult to qualify for - chances are we all know someone who would not be able to buy a long term care insurance.

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What To Do When Long Term Care Insurance Alone Isn’t Enough
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What To Do When Long Term Care Insurance Alone Isn’t Enough

Last week, we looked at a single woman who wanted to be able to decide when and where she received long term care. For her, traditional long term care insurance was the best answer. Not everyone’s goals are the same. Maybe your situation is more like Art and Maria’s. Art and Maria have saved for retirement diligently throughout their working years. Their plan…

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What Do Care Teams Need From You?
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What Do Care Teams Need From You?

No matter where your loved one is receiving care, staying in touch with care providers focuses provider attention and keeps you informed. Be positive - you’re all on the same team. When your loved one lives too far away for frequent trips to their residence, watching out for their well being can be challenging. Getting to know their caregivers can make all the difference.

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How Much Does Long Term Care Insurance Cost?
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How Much Does Long Term Care Insurance Cost?

How Much Does Long Term Care Insurance Cost? The short answer is, “It depends.” In this blog series, you’ll learn about what affects the premium price of long term care insurance and what impacts those factors make on the benefits. The first step…

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Demystifying Long Term Care - When It’s Time to Make a Claim
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Demystifying Long Term Care - When It’s Time to Make a Claim

Today we're talking about the other end of the long-term care insurance process. We're talking about what happens when you need that insurance money, because there's long-term care in your future. I have with me today, Josh Zuieback, he's with Amada Senior Care, and he's going to help us understand what that process looks like…

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When to Buy Long Term Care Insurance
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When to Buy Long Term Care Insurance

Start early for better, more affordable protection.

Long term care is expensive - even when it’s free. It can cost in dollars or in the wellbeing of the caregiver. Long term care insurance can help protect your savings and the loved ones that care for you. So how do you decide when to buy it?

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Long Term Care Costs
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Long Term Care Costs

Receiving long term care can mean more than paying hefty bills. Learn the average cost of professional care and the personal costs to family members providing care.

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