Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2024
article Sivea Key article Sivea Key

Lower Prescription Drug Costs - 2024

Rising prescription drug costs are hitting many people hard this year, and you may be wondering where to find relief. We've updated our blog post on the best tips for lowering your prescription drug costs for 2024.

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Long Term Care Insurance and Income Taxes - 2024
article Sivea Key article Sivea Key

Long Term Care Insurance and Income Taxes - 2024

The new year is bringing little change to long term care insurance deduction limits but may mean brand new payroll taxes for long term care being introduced in some states. Below, you’ll find the current deduction limits for individual plans and guidance on factors that affect deductibility of premiums. Check with your CPA to make sure you are getting the deductions you deserve.

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Getting Started With Medicare: 2024
Sivea Key Sivea Key

Getting Started With Medicare: 2024

Are you or is someone you love retiring or turning 65 in 2024? We’ve updated our Getting Started with Medicare booklet with information for 2024 on Parts A and B, Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C), Part D Prescription Drug Plans, Medigap Supplemental Plans, and more.

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IRAs, Taxes and Estate Planning 2023
Article Sivea Key Article Sivea Key

IRAs, Taxes and Estate Planning 2023

One of the most commonly used retirement savings plans, after 401(k)s, are IRAs. Many folks will pass away with assets in their IRAs yet most of us don’t think of IRAs as a part of our legacy. Post updated with updated values for 2023.

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How To Pick A Medicare Plan: 2024
Sivea Key Sivea Key

How To Pick A Medicare Plan: 2024

Medicare may be confusing, but the good news is that the complexity means you have a lot of choices. The key to choosing a plan is to narrow down the options by focusing on your unique situation. We've updated our post on how to pick a Medicare plan for 2024, to help make sense of the options.

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How Does Medicare Work: 2024
Sivea Key Sivea Key

How Does Medicare Work: 2024

For most people turning 65 means becoming eligible for Medicare for the first time. With all the “Parts” and “Supplemental Plans”, options, regulations and other details it’s not surprising that many are left feeling overwhelmed and confused.

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Thinking About Retirement?
Megan Archer Megan Archer

Thinking About Retirement?

Being prepared for retirement, emotionally and financially, provides a solid foundation for whatever your dreams entail. We’re here to provide the resources and experience to guide you to a safer retirement. Download our retirement preparation booklet to learn more.

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How To Pick A Medicare Plan: 2023
Sivea Key Sivea Key

How To Pick A Medicare Plan: 2023

We've updated our post on how to pick a Medicare plan for 2023!

Download our informative booklet “Getting Started with Medicare 2023” for a more detailed walk-through on how it all works.

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How Does Medicare Work: 2023
Sivea Key Sivea Key

How Does Medicare Work: 2023

For most people turning 65 means becoming eligible for Medicare for the first time. With all the “Parts” and “Supplemental Plans”, options, regulations and other details it’s not surprising that many are left feeling overwhelmed and confused.

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