Thinking About Retirement?
Megan Archer Megan Archer

Thinking About Retirement?

Being prepared for retirement, emotionally and financially, provides a solid foundation for whatever your dreams entail. We’re here to provide the resources and experience to guide you to a safer retirement. Download our retirement preparation booklet to learn more.

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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough
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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough

Are you one of the millions of adults who have let estate planning fall to the bottom your to do list for years? Does wondering about how you’ll pay for long term care nag at the back of your mind? Has life thrown some curve balls that smacked the life out of your retirement savings?

Sometimes it feels like it’s just too late or too hard to rescue your retirement dreams, but take a minute to remember all the times you’ve been knocked down yet found a way to get back on your feet.

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Inflation Shock? Here Are Some Tips For Improving Your Retirement Income
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Inflation Shock? Here Are Some Tips For Improving Your Retirement Income

During the current high inflation, many of us are rethinking our retirement plans and wondering if we’ll outlive our savings. If you’re still working and saving for retirement, it’s not too late to make some changes to account for higher inflation. If you find yourself in a bind with an unexpected expense or a view of the end of your retirement income, you may be able to recoup some funds.

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Keep Track of These Documents In Case of Emergency
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Keep Track of These Documents In Case of Emergency

When an accident or illness turns your life upside down, knowing where to find critical documents can help ease the stress. The key is to locate and organize these documents ahead of time so you or your loved ones can easily find them.

While there are a number of documents important to have on hand in an emergency, in this case we are focusing on documents that will help pay for care, grant access to medical or financial information, help your loved ones understand your wishes or appoint someone to make medical or financial decisions.

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Are Annuities A Good Investment?
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Are Annuities A Good Investment?

When investing for retirement, knowing what tools you have gives you the power to choose the right financial tool for your goals. Should annuities be one of the tools you choose? Let’s compare annuities to the some of the major retirement investment tools.

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What is a Daily Money Manager?
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What is a Daily Money Manager?

Want to learn more about how a Daily Money Manager could help you or a loved one? Reach out to Noreen Flood. Have other questions about managing income in retirement? We'd love to talk to you about your unique circumstances.

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How To Have Difficult Conversations About Money, Long Term Care Planning, and More
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How To Have Difficult Conversations About Money, Long Term Care Planning, and More

The holiday season is stressful enough on its own. When getting together for the holidays means having hard conversations, that stress multiplies. We’ve learned a lot from Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen about how to have those stressful conversations, and we’re excited to share our favorite tips.

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What To Do When Long Term Care Insurance Alone Isn’t Enough
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What To Do When Long Term Care Insurance Alone Isn’t Enough

Last week, we looked at a single woman who wanted to be able to decide when and where she received long term care. For her, traditional long term care insurance was the best answer. Not everyone’s goals are the same. Maybe your situation is more like Art and Maria’s. Art and Maria have saved for retirement diligently throughout their working years. Their plan…

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When to Buy Long Term Care Insurance
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When to Buy Long Term Care Insurance

Start early for better, more affordable protection.

Long term care is expensive - even when it’s free. It can cost in dollars or in the wellbeing of the caregiver. Long term care insurance can help protect your savings and the loved ones that care for you. So how do you decide when to buy it?

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