IRAs, Taxes and Estate Planning 2023
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IRAs, Taxes and Estate Planning 2023

One of the most commonly used retirement savings plans, after 401(k)s, are IRAs. Many folks will pass away with assets in their IRAs yet most of us don’t think of IRAs as a part of our legacy. Post updated with updated values for 2023.

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Thinking About Retirement?
Megan Archer Megan Archer

Thinking About Retirement?

Being prepared for retirement, emotionally and financially, provides a solid foundation for whatever your dreams entail. We’re here to provide the resources and experience to guide you to a safer retirement. Download our retirement preparation booklet to learn more.

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Sometimes Time Is On Your Side: Making Your Investment Work Twice as Hard For Your Family
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Sometimes Time Is On Your Side: Making Your Investment Work Twice as Hard For Your Family

Trying to balance work, children and anything resembling a personal life can sometimes feel impossible. Days rush by while dreams disappear into the future. Your budget feels stretched to the limit. How is it possible to keep the household expenses paid, pay for life insurance to protect the family in case you or your spouse pass away, put money away for the kids’ college costs, and still save for retirement? If this is happening to you and your children are high school age or younger, options may be here.

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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough
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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough

Are you one of the millions of adults who have let estate planning fall to the bottom your to do list for years? Does wondering about how you’ll pay for long term care nag at the back of your mind? Has life thrown some curve balls that smacked the life out of your retirement savings?

Sometimes it feels like it’s just too late or too hard to rescue your retirement dreams, but take a minute to remember all the times you’ve been knocked down yet found a way to get back on your feet.

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What is Probate? How Does Probate Affect My Heirs?
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What is Probate? How Does Probate Affect My Heirs?

Most of us have either experienced or heard about long, expensive, painful Probate proceedings. Many of us wonder if avoiding Probate will protect our legacy and ease the burden on our beneficiaries when we pass. As with most things involving the law, there’s no one answer.

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How Can IRAs Affect Estate Planning?
Article Sivea Key Article Sivea Key

How Can IRAs Affect Estate Planning?

Estate planning is more than wills and powers of attorney. It’s having some control over what happens to your assets when you pass on. One of the most commonly used retirement savings plans, after 401(k)s, are IRAs. Many folks will pass away with assets in their IRAs yet most of us don’t think of IRAs as a part of our legacy.

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Is the LegacyLock Estate Planning Package Worth It?
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Is the LegacyLock Estate Planning Package Worth It?

The folks at LegacyLock believe helping people is good business and they feel their success speaks for itself. They’ve worked hard to build an estate process that includes all the documents for your estate plan, a living trust, healthcare and financial power of attorneys, living will and advanced directives with simple, clear instructions.

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How to Plan a Loving Legacy
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How to Plan a Loving Legacy

Spending time with family and friends during the holidays may have you wondering about what you will happen when you leave this mortal coil. So many questions come up! None of these questions are easy to think about. But not knowing the answers can keep a person up at night. Our mission is to help you find a measure of safety and peace of mind. That’s why we’ve brought LegacyLock to the table.

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How Do You Know If Your Retirement Plan Will Work?
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How Do You Know If Your Retirement Plan Will Work?

When do you want to find out if your retirement plan will work? If your answer is “Before it’s too late!” you are exactly the type of person who can benefit from a Retirement Analyzer review with us. Together we can take a peek into the future – look at the probability of success for your game plan – then work to fine tune it effectively.

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How to Make Financial Decisions Today That Strengthen Your Retirement Long Game
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How to Make Financial Decisions Today That Strengthen Your Retirement Long Game

Whatever today’s pressing need might be, it stands to reason that when you can see where you are and you’re going a certain type of solution will make more sense than another.

That’s what completing a Retirement Analyzer review can do for you - help you build your long term strategy. Then, as each life stage comes along, you can review your plan and better understand what type of protection can help make the whole plan stronger.

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Retirement Game Plan
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Retirement Game Plan

Today we bring you Retirement Game Plan, a system to guide you through your retirement journey. It combines two powerful software tools into one integrated process - Thomas Gold’s Retirement Analyzer software and LegacyLock’s estate planning software. Retirement Analyzer allows us to put together a complete picture of your financial situation then look at it from different angles. It helps you figure out what you need to protect yourself and your loved ones during your lifetime. LegacyLock allows you to build estate documents and revocable trusts based on attorney built, state specific templates.

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