Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough
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Long Term Care Planning - Even “Too Little Too Late” Can Be Enough

Are you one of the millions of adults who have let estate planning fall to the bottom your to do list for years? Does wondering about how you’ll pay for long term care nag at the back of your mind? Has life thrown some curve balls that smacked the life out of your retirement savings?

Sometimes it feels like it’s just too late or too hard to rescue your retirement dreams, but take a minute to remember all the times you’ve been knocked down yet found a way to get back on your feet.

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A Tale of Two Small Estates: Lessons Learned
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A Tale of Two Small Estates: Lessons Learned

Last year brought home to me the reality of aging. My husband and I experienced five deaths of people close to us which included responsibilities for three of the estates. My mother, Joan, and a close family friend, Russell (through his wife Mary) chose me to handle their estates as Personal Representative – a role I’d never held before. Since both estates were small and had been prepared by the same local estate attorney, the comparison of how they turned out was eye opening.

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What is Probate? How Does Probate Affect My Heirs?
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What is Probate? How Does Probate Affect My Heirs?

Most of us have either experienced or heard about long, expensive, painful Probate proceedings. Many of us wonder if avoiding Probate will protect our legacy and ease the burden on our beneficiaries when we pass. As with most things involving the law, there’s no one answer.

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Is the LegacyLock Estate Planning Package Worth It?
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Is the LegacyLock Estate Planning Package Worth It?

The folks at LegacyLock believe helping people is good business and they feel their success speaks for itself. They’ve worked hard to build an estate process that includes all the documents for your estate plan, a living trust, healthcare and financial power of attorneys, living will and advanced directives with simple, clear instructions.

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How to Plan a Loving Legacy
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How to Plan a Loving Legacy

Spending time with family and friends during the holidays may have you wondering about what you will happen when you leave this mortal coil. So many questions come up! None of these questions are easy to think about. But not knowing the answers can keep a person up at night. Our mission is to help you find a measure of safety and peace of mind. That’s why we’ve brought LegacyLock to the table.

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Money To Grow On - Fund a Child’s Future
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Money To Grow On - Fund a Child’s Future

Wondering how to soften the worst financial blows to your child or grandchild while helping them build their future? All without sacrificing your retirement plans to do it? By investing $100 per month while they’re an infant in a specially designed indexed life insurance policy, you can give them a helping hand throughout their lifetime. The gift is tax-free and avoids probate.

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